Photoshop guru.
...sort of.
Published on September 9, 2010 By Mirsguy In WinCustomize Talk

Well, I've not been skinning much lately. Some of you know that I work at a Bible college. For the past several years, my only real responsibility has been to oversee the yearbook. Well, that changed drastically in May of this year. I now oversee all of the graphic design, the graphic design curriculum, advertising, website, and social media for the college, as well as the yearbook.

I also get design jobs on the side, which is nice side income, but it tends to consume my evenings.

Needless to say, I've been busy. I have a WindowBlinds skin in the works that is about one-third complete, and even then, I'm not sure It'll keep much of the same look by the time I'm done with it. I've been working on it since mid-June.

I'm NOT leaving WC. But I will be putting out skins at a slower rate due to my schedule. Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm alive and kickin' higher than ever; just not so much here.

Maybe my skin will see the light of day before 2011...

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 11, 2010

When I saw the title I thought he had gotten a hernia...

on Sep 11, 2010

When I saw the title I thought he had gotten a hernia...

that's a bit of a stretch.....

on Sep 11, 2010

Hiatally speaking? 

on Sep 11, 2010

When I saw the title I thought he had gotten a hernia...

that's a bit of a stretch.....

That's a strain.

2 Pages1 2