Photoshop guru.
Just in case you want to see what all the hype is about
Published on July 26, 2008 By Mirsguy In Docks
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the new Dell Dock This new dock was designed by Stardock for Dell.

There are a lot of cool new features and levels of functionality in the Dell Dock (like categories, which are somewhat like stacks or flyout menus), which I hope Stardock will include in the next version ObjectDock Plus. In my opinion, however, OD+ is much more flexible. For instance, one can add docklets to OD+, but seemingly cannot do this on the Dell Dock. Also, OD+ is much easier to skin. It is possible to skin the Dell Dock, but it is nowhere near as "skinner friendly" as OD+.

Still, it would be worth your while to download and try the Dell Dock. If Stardock ever decided to marry the Dell Dock with OD+... oh my! would it be a wonderful thing!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 28, 2008
downgrade to vista? give it up, guys. it's getting old. 
on Jul 28, 2008
downgrade to vista? give it up, guys. it's getting old.

on Jul 28, 2008
downgrade to vista? give it up, guys. it's getting old. 

The list of things that still don't perform properly with Vista would suggest it hasn't gotten old enough yet
on Jul 28, 2008
I've had so many fewer issues (crashes) with Vista.  Once SP1 was installed the slowdowns disappeared.

I still use XP and it rocks . . but Vista is just as stable now as XP is.  Why go back?
on Jul 28, 2008
I've had so many fewer issues (crashes) with Vista. Once SP1 was installed the slowdowns disappeared.

I still use XP and it rocks . . but Vista is just as stable now as XP is. Why go back?

I totally agree with everything said here!

Hey Zubaz, no typos!
on Jul 28, 2008
Hey Zubaz, no typos!

How did that happen?
I Have Nothing To Add
on Jul 28, 2008
Since I couldn't be bothered to check what exactly it was looking for (probably the computer manufacturer and/or model), I hand-edited the IL to let the checks return true every time

How did you do this, Littleboy? My laptop is a Dell, but my desktop is custom made...
on Jul 28, 2008
Using Process Monitor, Reflector and the Reflexil addin. Sorry, I won't give any more info than that.

Doing it to try the dock on my own computer is one thing, giving the exact steps to allow others to do it is another. I'm not sure Stardock or Dell would like it very much and I don't want to find out.
on Jul 28, 2008
I'm not sure Stardock or Dell would like it very much and I don't want to find out.
  I love this place!
on Jul 28, 2008
So what, I'm a little paranoid. I mean, look at that!

on Aug 04, 2008
Hmm... I still cant add anything to the dock. Ive even tried it on my Hubby's laptop and its doing the same thing. It installs fine and what is there already works fine, but i cant seem to add anything extra to the dock. Ive checked and made sure that its not locked and ive tried the add command. It just gives me a visual prompt as to what i should do. Im at a loss. I cant figure out why it wont work on 2 different dell computers.

on Aug 05, 2008
just gives me a visual prompt as to what i should do

Screenshot of the visual prompt please...
on Aug 05, 2008
Couple chumps are working on skinning this thing...  DellDock Skinning
on Aug 05, 2008
Hmm... I still cant add anything to the dock

Maybe you need to be an administrator to add/subtract from the Dock. I got my wife a XPS 1530 recently and it came with the dock. I've had no problems setting it up for her but I did it all from an administrators account.

Note to Stardock......she loves it AND uses it. It's the first piece of customization software I've got her comfortable with. To most of us that's not saying much but for her it's a giant leap. She still keeps appointments on a paper calendar...........
on Aug 05, 2008
It's the first piece of customization software I've got her comfortable with. To most of us that's not saying much but for her it's a giant leap. She still keeps appointments on a paper calendar...........

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