Photoshop guru.
His 'n Hers Blinds
Published on June 24, 2009 By Mirsguy In Sneak Previews

I recently began work on a new WindowBlind I am calling 'Miricla.' This is a skin that I am making specifically for my wife, Brysgirl. She has not been able to find that 'perfect skin' yet, so I am creating it for her.

It is primarily blue in color and quite glassy. I chose the blue color because I just couldn't bring myself to work with pink. This skin is a recolorers dream, and looks good however you set the color slider in the config settings.

When I complete Miricla, I will begin work on 'Tinted,' which will be essentially identical in most ways to Miricla, just with dark glass rather than blue. Also, the Tinted WB will be made to match the ObjectDock backgrounds I have already created of the same name.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 24, 2009

This is just great, Bryan. I like it a good deal. I also like the sounds of the second skin's idea. your heart out.

on Jun 24, 2009

Looking good so far, a couple of suggestions I'll put forth are.. on the frame and start menu top left lighting\bevels, perhaps try using an overlay or vivid light blend mode in the bevel section of your layer styles, it will give you a brighter blue highlight as opposed to the more white looking one you have now.. will make the lighting more natural. and 2, same thing with the Horiz. grad in the start menu, might benefit from being more  light blue than whiter color it is now.... perhaps.


Hope this helps Brian. 

on Jun 24, 2009

looking good

on Jun 24, 2009

Looking good so far, a couple of suggestions I'll put forth are.. on the frame and start menu top left lighting\bevels, perhaps try using an overlay or vivid light blend mode in the bevel section of your layer styles, it will give you a brighter blue highlight as opposed to the more white looking one you have now.. will make the lighting more natural. and 2, same thing with the Horiz. grad in the start menu, might benefit from being more  light blue than whiter color it is now.... perhaps.


Hope this helps Brian. 

E = mc2


I'll never be a skinner!  *Sigh*


on Jun 25, 2009

hey CP, even VS had to start somewhere, his first skins were no where near as polished as his recent work.

We're all "WIP"'s LOL!

Don't be so hard on yourself bro, just do your thing, it's all good!


As for this miricla wb, I'll say it, it's sweet.  If I had to make a suggestion, the titlebar buttons (min,max, close) make them 2 pixels taller, other than that, the blind is saaa-weeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!

on Jun 25, 2009

perhaps try using an overlay or vivid light blend mode in the bevel section of your layer styles, it will give you a brighter blue highlight as opposed to the more white looking one you have now.. will make the lighting more natural.

I should've thought of the 'natural lighting' thing--Bert Monroy writes about the same thing in his book Photoshop Studio with Bert Monroy; Digital Painting.

Your suggestion does help; now I've just gotta figure out how to best execute the concept.

Oh, and so far it looks like overlay & lighter color are the blend modes to use.

on Jun 25, 2009

Thank you to everyone for your supportive comments! Glad you're liking it. I'll try not to disappoint...

f I had to make a suggestion, the titlebar buttons (min,max, close) make them 2 pixels taller

Thanks Ulcerbob, I'll take that into consideration. However, I'm afraid if I make them any taller, then I'll diminish the effect I was going for; but I'll consider it nonetheless.

on Jun 25, 2009

New "natural lighting."

Actually just changed the highlight color to a light blue and left the blend mode at screen. That ended up being the best solution. Thanks for your input, John.

on Jun 25, 2009

Looking great Mg...Excellent work my friend !

on Jun 25, 2009

Looks awesome.. But must have a "Send HG free pizza" button to be perfect. ..   



Great job Mirsguy.

on Jun 26, 2009

But must have a "Send HG free pizza" button to be perfect.

Is this good enough?


on Jun 26, 2009

Looks better

on Jun 26, 2009

Looks better


Just decided last night that I'm going to rework the window frames and probably the window close buttons. Now that I think about it, those frames don't (entirely) match where I'm going with the skin. But hey, that's what the development stage is for, right?

on Jun 26, 2009

She's my main (and only) tester right now. She's testing it on XP while I use it on Vista.

Quoting myself here to correct myself:

My wife is not the only tester. Z71 is also helping me along.

on Jun 27, 2009

Looks awesome, Mg!!!    

Brysgirl, you're one lucky lady  

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