Photoshop guru.
Just in case you want to see what all the hype is about
Published on July 26, 2008 By Mirsguy In Docks
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the new Dell Dock This new dock was designed by Stardock for Dell.

There are a lot of cool new features and levels of functionality in the Dell Dock (like categories, which are somewhat like stacks or flyout menus), which I hope Stardock will include in the next version ObjectDock Plus. In my opinion, however, OD+ is much more flexible. For instance, one can add docklets to OD+, but seemingly cannot do this on the Dell Dock. Also, OD+ is much easier to skin. It is possible to skin the Dell Dock, but it is nowhere near as "skinner friendly" as OD+.

Still, it would be worth your while to download and try the Dell Dock. If Stardock ever decided to marry the Dell Dock with OD+... oh my! would it be a wonderful thing!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 26, 2008
Mirsguy I really don't need another dock, having ObjectDock Plus and Impulse seems to be more than enough. Now having said that, it would be fun to try it out.

Can anyone go to the link and download it or are there restrictions, like must have a dell running Vista?
on Jul 26, 2008
wow thanks much for the Link... I am on a dell desktop and runnin vista and haven't had any issues downloading it.. I still need to install it and try it out..

Not sure if there are any restrictions to getting it but thanks very much Mirs for posting
on Jul 26, 2008
Can anyone go to the link and download it or are there restrictions, like must have a dell running Vista?

I don't think you need to have a Dell, but you do need Vista.

thanks very much Mirs for posting

You're welcome!
on Jul 26, 2008
Like I said before, and I'll say again

Dell flyout menu for ObjectDock ... DEEEW EET NAO!
on Jul 26, 2008
It's telling me "You must be on a Dell computer to use the Dell Dock". Doesn't work on HP. ( 
on Jul 26, 2008
It's telling me "You must be on a Dell computer to use the Dell Dock". Doesn't work on HP
Nice marketing for them.
on Jul 26, 2008
Well it is called dell dock after all. No biggie, surely OD will come up with something better for us
on Jul 26, 2008

It's telling me "You must be on a Dell computer to use the Dell Dock". Doesn't work on HP.

Well, I'm running a Dell Inspiron... so it wasn't an issue for me. Sorry, ALMonty.
on Jul 26, 2008
No problem.  
on Jul 26, 2008

The installer is checking for existing files (it will only update or repair an existing install). Adding the needed file will get you the Dock installed. After that, it's only a matter of making sure it's thinking you're running it on a Dell.

Since I couldn't be bothered to check what exactly it was looking for (probably the computer manufacturer and/or model), I hand-edited the IL to let the checks return true every time


on Jul 27, 2008
You may not need a Dell, as Littleboy has pointed out, but you must have VISTA. Bummer, cause I wanted to try it out and compare with my mostest favoriteist SD app. Oh well, it's not something I feel so powerful about that I HAVE to downgrade to VISTA.
on Jul 27, 2008
I wanted to try it out and compare with my mostest favoriteist SD app.

Don't worry, messiah1--It's a cool little program, but OBJECTDOCK STILL RULES!!!!
it's not something I feel so powerful about that I HAVE to downgrade to VISTA.

on Jul 27, 2008
I installed it and it runs good..

I just wanted to point out that at the moment I am havin a slight issue "adding stuff to categories"..
For example I can add the "Game" category to the dock BUT when I want to say add all my "Sims and Sims 2 games* to the Game category I cant drag and drop like "supposed" to..

I am gonna check this out more and see if maybe I can figure something out..

I will post more as this issue is updated...


on Jul 28, 2008
I just wanted to point out that at the moment I am havin a slight issue "adding stuff to categories"..
For example I can add the "Game" category to the dock BUT when I want to say add all my "Sims and Sims 2 games* to the Game category I cant drag and drop like "supposed" to..

I tried this. I right-clicked on the dock, added a category, then dragged & dropped the desktop shortcut onto the new category. It worked fine.
on Jul 28, 2008
Oh well, it's not something I feel so powerful about that I HAVE to downgrade to VISTA.

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